Wednesday, April 25, 2007

An update

Sorry it's been a while! There has been so much going on lately. Our schedule is so crazy and it is only going to get more crazy! It's nice to be busy! Then there isn't as much time to sit around and think about all the things that Eric and I are "waiting on". I'm continually realizing that waiting simply means that I'm alive and living! I'm okay with that.

Here is just a little update with what's going on in our lives:

Eric and I will hopefully find out within the next week whether or not we are invited to attend the in-depth assessment at Kansas City for the missions stuff! I am really hoping that we are ready! Once the thing in November comes than I really think stuff will happen relatively quickly! This is exciting and scary all at the same time.

On Monday Eric and I met with some friends who have adopted 4 kids and are waiting on a 5th! It was so wonderful talking to them and hearing how passionate and excited they were about adoption! It really inspired me!! Please pray for Eric and I because we really feel that God wants us to adopt, but are still praying about the details. Actually kind of random, the other day I woke up at 4am and I was so excited about adoption and really felt that God had placed a Country on my heart! So I spent about 5 hours looking that place up on the Internet! Well this couple that we met with on Monday has adopted from this Country which is really cool! They were able to tell us about the agency they went through and give us some awesome advice! We don't really want to go into detail about all the adoption stuff right now, but like I mentioned previously, just please pray for us!!! :)

Well the sun is shining and I need to get out of the house for a little while! Happy Wednesday!

Here is a few pictures from our fun weekend with Jon, Annie and Ranger:)


Christy said...

Love you! I am excited about what is happening in your life...God always does amazing things!

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

You should adopt babies from a Spanish speaking country and then I can talk to them in Spanish :)

I'm anxiously awaiting your news on the KC missions stuff! Love you!

Shell*Belle said...

Christy - We are really excited to see what God is going to do in ALL these situations! ;)

Denise - HAHA!!! Well, unfortunately the Spanish speaking countries are a little more expensive than some others!! I do love Hispanic children!! They are beautiful! Thank you for being excited about the missions stuff!! It helps us to not get discouraged! :)