Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Adoption Journey

Wow! Have I really not blogged since September of 2008! Sorry. No wonder people lost hope. Well, I've decided to take a different turn for my blog and I'm wanting to focus more on adoption. I thought about changing the title, but honestly learning to be content is a *H*U*G*E* part of adoption.

My blogs purpose:
1. Timeline for adoption process
2. A way to get information for prospecitve adoptive parents, or people who are just curious how adoption works.
3. A place for you to see a raw, unedited view of how adoption can be an eye opening and heart breaking experience.
4. Update my family and friends who are wondering where we're at and how we're doing.


Jenny said...

I am SO GLAD I still have you in my blog roll!

Shell*Belle said...

I'm so glad to know someone is still going to read my blog. :) Don't you love the t-shirt?? HAHA! :)

Heidi said...

I'm still reading too.. and I was wondering how you guys are doing. I always enjoy reading your posts!

Shell*Belle said...

YAY!!! I'm glad you're reading too Heidi!!:)