Thursday, September 19, 2013

At least once a week I sit down at the computer after Mar goes to sleep and I see the link on my Bookmark Bar titled "my blog". Just seeing it makes me feel bipolar from the wide variety of emotions it brings. I think about how much I really do enjoy writing and yet its a sore reminder of the 15th time I've "restarted my blog". It also reminds me of the times I would sit down at the computer completely broken and spill my guts out  and then get up feeling pretty darn good. One thing I've realized about myself is that I am pretty much a spot on people pleaser. I love making people happy. In the past I have blogged for other people or so that I would receive praise and acknowledgement of how awesome I am. Seriously, not joking. Lame, I know. As I'm learning in other areas of my life, putting forth personal goals and accomplishing them should be something you do for yourself, not others. Serving others is crucial in this self glorifying world we live in, but there is some truth to doing something for yourself. 

A few days ago I had a good friend over who has recently started a new blog. Check it out here. Heather's Blog She mentioned that she kept a list of topics she wanted to discuss on hand, so that when she was having a "I can't think of anything to say" morning, she could pull out one of her other topics she had already thought of and type away. I loved this idea, so that's my plan. Being a stay at home mom of one child (2 year old) means that most of my day is filled with ABC's, coloring, blowing bubbles and naps…oh my gosh I love naps! So the 2+ hours that my daughter sleeps is mostly spent sitting for a few minutes to soak in some She Reads Truth, sprinting around the house trying my best to pick up my daughters toys, and clean up the cheerios that she and our dog missed. C'mon, I know I'm not the only one who uses their dog as a vacuum. This time is also sometimes spent thinking about different things going on in my life or a friends and I'm almost always drawn to write out my thoughts, but for one reason or another I don't. 

With us moving recently, I've found myself so looking forward to nap time. Not just because I can sit for 2 hours without small feet stepping all over me or someone chasing me to EVERY part of my house… i mean EVERY part of my house...which includes the bathroom people, but because I can sit outside, soak in the sunshine and dive into what God is going to teach me that day. I'm not joking, I honestly feel like one of those people who would get to class 20 minutes early because they were so excited to learn. Also, for the record, this was never me. I was usually the person who got to class late, if I even went at all. God is stirring up something within me, that is literally drawing me closer to Him. I write this because God is speaking to me about certain topics and it's not that my opinion is so profound, but it's that I believe we need to start sharing our story more. I know, that we need to have friends "in real life" too, but in the world we live in blogging has become a great way for people who are normally too shy or busy, to share their life and story with others. Or sometimes, people like myself, need to put our thoughts on paper first, before they fly out of our mouths. This is a whole different post that will be coming at some point. 

So, if you're still reading, please be patient with me as I try once again, for the 16th time to "restart my blog". Some of the topics that I want to discuss in the near future include:
Relationship with God
Sexual Abuse
Staying at home
Eating healthy
Community - sharing your life story with others

Looking forward to writing more soon. 


Heather said...

Loving the blog! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to many more post. And it's okay to have writer's block from time to time and it's also perfectly acceptable to ramble. :)

MonicaHughston said...

I found your blog, yay!! I completely relate to starting your blog for the millionth time. Every day I say "this is the day...and yeah, nothing yet. Maybe tomorrow? :) miss you!!