Lots of change has taken place since I wrote last. We are now back in the states and living in Ohio again. It feels good to be home, although I must say that I really do miss Poland. I really enjoyed being there and the people that we met were amazing! Sometimes I have to remind myself that I actually lived there for several months because it feels like a dream. Luckily, we were able to do some quick last-minute shopping before we left and so we have a few things sitting on shelves (actually, I don't really know where they are at this moment...ughh.) to remind us that it wasn't just a dream.

We are so thankful to have such a wonderful church that we have been welcomed back into. We are actually getting ready to start a new program called Element! It's going to be so awesome and we are thrilled to be a part of it!
So how are we doing with all this change and craziness? Pretty good. This week has definitely been better then the past couple of weeks. I think I've had a mix of culture shock and satan trying to get me down. I always think about the what ifs' and those are the times that satan really starts to take me for a spin. Please pray with me that God will give me the desire and the hunger for more of Him. It's been hard these past couple of months and I don't feel like my relationsh

Well, I just got a new vacuum and I'm really excited to try it out. :) Let me know if anyone still reads this... if not I may stop blogging.