Tony sure was testing me today. He was in timeout about 4 different times. Timeout basically consists of him sitting in a chair in his bedroom for one minute. Today while he was in timeout, he was yelling and I told him that he was not allowed to talk while in timeout. Well he continued.. so I told him I was going to add another minute every time he yelled. Well I ended up adding 4 more minutes! Finally he stopped and I went in to get him and he was crying. I knelt down and he told me he loved me and that he was sorry. For the rest of the evening he was really good. I think he may finally be realizing that I am not going to give in!
I picked Matt up from school today and his teachers were so nice. He was so excited to see us and his brothers. They are all so cute together! They get along really well! :)
Oh yeah, a little side note.. we sold our truck tonight! :) YAY!! Thank you God for answering that prayer! :)
Well all the kids are asleep, so I suppose I should try to get some sleep too!