Regarding missions. I know I haven't updated in a while. We heard back from Headquarters and they said that everything looked great on our application except for the fact that we had never been on any long term missions trips (the longest we had both been was 2 weeks). So, our next step is to volunteer for 3months-1year overseas. They mentioned that they already have some places that could use some help in Europe and Asia Pacific. Some of the places in Europe include: Poland, Slovenia, and Macedonia. I'm not sure yet where the places are in the Asia Pacific. They noted that we should be ready to go by January, 2008.
As soon as we figure out a destination then we get to start the lovely fundraising part of it. This is my least favorite part. :( I just hate asking people for money. The thing that I keep reminding myself is this is God's will for us and whether it be $5000 or $25,000 we will get the money!! God will provide! He always has before!!!
On a completely different note the past couple of weeks I have been reading about how God created each of us unique. This just amazes me. I can't even fathom that EVERY person on this planet is unique! WOW! That just shows how big a God we serve! Another thing I've been thinking about is how we/I complain about my appearance. There is always something that I'm discontent with. I don't know if you have

Also, in the same aspect we should take care of what God made. This is really hard for me to take hold of. Working out and eating healthy hasn't really ever been one of my strong points! I really believe that we need to think more about how we are treating our bodies and what we are putting in our bodies on a daily basis. I'm not saying you have to be a fitness freak, but get a little exercise every once in a while. It doesn't take much effort to go for a walk. It can actually be quite enjoyable, especially if you remind yourself why you're doing it. :)

Ooo I wish I could go to a Latino Festival with you guys! That would be fun!!!
when I did Youth In Mission I raised EVERY penny I needed for my trip and MORE. God is good... I have NO DOUBT He will provide :)
Yes, I just keep remembering and thinking about all the people that have gone before us and raised money! It's just my natural instinct to worry about money! :(
We wish you could have come to the Latino Festival with us! We had such a good time. There were several bands there, it was fun! :)
Miss ya and love ya!
Thanks for the reminder that we are God's creation!
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