This has been my feeling for the past month. Despite the hurricane, homelessness, and constant change of plans, I have been able to keep my joy! Eric gave me this quote years ago, while I was going through some tough times in college. "Happiness depends on happenings, but joy depends on Christ". It's so true! I have felt satan constantly trying to steal my joy, and at times he may have gotten my happiness, but I've guarded my joy like it's my job (haven't used that phrase since the 6th grade). :)
I wanted to give you all a semi brief update on the recent happenings in the Slon household. August 27, 2011, my dear friends Paul and Mariel got married! :) Unfortunately, with everything going on, only Eric was able to go to their wedding. I was so sad to miss their wedding and even proposed the idea of being present via iPad, but Mariel didn't seem to think she could carry the iPad and her bouquet at the same time. :) So, Eric went home on the 25th and my mom flew in the 26th. On the 27th, the news was reporting Hurricane Irene coming straight at North Carolina and warned everyone to get supplies and hunker down (thank you Tanya Singh for this phrase). Unfortunately, my mom and I didn't take it serious enough, because by the time we got to the store, most necessary supplies were out of stock! So, for my flashlight, I had to buy one that straps to your head! :):)
The next few days were a blur. We were constantly being told different rules about the RMH being shut down and the hospital closing it's doors. Mom and I decided to pack everything up and basically live out of the car. We spent one night in the hospital and fully intended to spend a second, but were fortunate enough to land a couch in the downstairs of the RMH. On August 28th, RMH officially shut down at 8am. Once again, this gave mom and I the sense of being homeless and not knowing what to do or where to go. We didn't want to go back home and be 2 hours away from sweet, fragile Marlee, however this was the only option. My dad and sister were driving in, and would be there around 2am on the 30th. So we packed up once again and kissed little Marlee goodbye.
Dad, Mom, Christy, Max, and Ella all visited for several days. We stayed up WAY too late, laughed WAY too much, and still, didn't get enough time together! On the 31st, we kissed and hugged in the hospital hallway saying our goodbyes. I hate goodbyes, especially in a hospital. I think it's a mental thing, but being in the hospital just makes it seem much sadder.
Later that day, Eric and I finally got accepted back into the RMH and were thankful we didn't have to sleep in our car, like we had the night before(there were no hotel rooms in the area). :) :)
On September 4th, Renae, Chris, Amy and sweet Molly all made the journey down to meet little Marlee. We had a great time spending moments with Marlee during the day and staying up late at night playing Ticket to Ride. :)
Eric and I saw Marlee off, and of course I cried as I watched my baby girl drive away in what I hope to be her last and only ambulance ride! We rushed back over to the RMH and quickly cleaned and packed up and thanked the staff for providing such an amazing place for us to call home for the last 3 weeks!
That night, Eric and I got to the hospital and Marlee seemed to have made the ride okay. She was somewhat stressed because her vitals were slightly low and she needed oxygen because of the low vitals.
Today, Marlee is doing great! She's off oxygen, taking several bottles a day, follows you when you talk to her, smiles in response to your voice or sometimes having her head rubbed, loves being kangarooed, and is a day closer to coming home to her loving parents and puppy!
I can't think you all enough for your prayers, texts, cards, phone calls and just overall support! I never could have imagined how blessed Eric and I would feel at this very moment!
Philippians1:3 "I thank my God every time I remember you."
1 comment:
more posts more posts more posts!! at least more pics please ;)
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