Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm feeling the sandpaper today!

Can I just be honest for a minute and say that most days I have to make a conscious effort to not allow myself to be bitter about our adoption. I have to check my attitude DAILY.. even multiple times a day. It's something I'm not proud of at all. I wish that I didn't let changes in plans disrupt my entire day, but I do. This is something that God and I are working on together. It seems like each day He has been slowly ripping a part each layer of pride, bitterness, anxiety, worry, fear and anger. The good thing is, when he rips away one layer he rebuilds that layer with something positive like humility, mercy, unconditional love, faith, blessings, and trust in the only one who won't disappoint!

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels like this, but often times I can fall into the poor me attitude and I am quickly slapped head on with someone who is WAY less fortunate than I am. I guess with being a social worker, this is part of the job. I often see people who literally have nothing and don't have ANY hope at all! What a blessing that I get to build a relationship with them and become a small pinch of hope.

I recently ran into a music artist through someone else's blog named Kari Jobe and have grown to LOVE her! I feel like she sings what my heart is dying to say. Here is one of her songs that I love!!

The first time I heard this song I just sat at my computer sobbing because I never really felt like God was for me. I guess when you face trials and temptations it's easy to forget that we face these challenges as a way to smooth us out and teach us something. I recently saw a movie that explained trials really well. This is the quote from the movie. I know this is specifically referring to people but I think it can still apply to just rough situation in life.

"When life makes you have to put up with mean and hateful people, just think of them as sandpaper. They may scratch you, rub you the wrong way, but eventually you end up smooth and polished and the sandpaper it's just going to be worn out and ugly."

On a totally different note, here is a great song that I heard in a movie recently. :) Make sure and watch the whole thing for a little bit of T-Bone!! :)

Sorry for all the links!! I hope you all have a good Monday!


Tim Sheets said...

I'm glad you're finding some comfort and encouragement during the tough times. I have really been praying the Psalms and coming back to them a lot. I'm loving them in the NLT version! Psalms 13-35 have been awesome. Check them out! A lot of good stuff about waiting and hoping in the Lord.

Well, gonna check out the TBone. Peace!

Mariel Joy said...

you're so beautiful Shelly!