June 3rd was like most of our other Friday nights - Out to eat, movie or movies than bedtime. I know, I know.. we are so predictable. :) That night we headed to bed around 12am and did our devotions together and prayed. A little back story - for the past several weeks Eric and I have been praying every night that God would speak to us or reveal something positive to us regarding our adoption. As you know waiting can be discouraging and we had both been a little discouraged lately from not getting any updates or really hearing anything at all from our agency. So that night we specifically prayed that God would give us something encouraging that day so that we would know that He was still working in our situation. Around 12:30am we both dosed off and were quickly awoken by Eric's phone ringing. Now, most of our friends or family don't call us at that time unless something is wrong or they are playing a prank on us. Eric quickly jumped out of bed (well at least somewhat quick.. i don't really think you can be quick at 1:30am) and someone was calling from a private number. This surprised both of us because he has never received a call from a private number. So he answered the phone and here is how the conversation went:

Private Caller: God is good! (male voice -strong, deep, peaceful voice)
Eric: What??? (at this point Eric was half way laughing)
Private Caller: God is good!
Eric: What? Who is this?? (Eric really thought it was one of our friends/family pranking us)
Private Caller: I am a man of God. God is good!
As you can imagine after he hung up Eric and I pretty much just sat there with our jaw on the ground, neither one of us laughing or saying a word. We were both wide awake at this point TOTALLY confused. The private called never called back. Remember, just one hour before Eric and I had prayed that God would give us a clear message that He was still working on our adoption.
The next day Eric and I both checked with several of our friends and family to find out if they had called us and no one said they had. Another strange thing was that the man's voice on the phone was so calm, deep and strong. He spoke very matter-of-fact and there was no background noise at all. His voice was so loud and clear that I could hear every word from the other side of the room.
I don't know who called that night, but I do know that Eric and I were blown away by God's love for us that He answered our prayer so quickly and so obviously (I'm starting to get a complex now because God has to be so obvious in the ways that He answers my prayers.. remember the billboard). :)
1. Nothing wrong with being a predictable old couple! :)
2. How. Awesome.
3. Hang in there. One day at a time. We waited 11 mo for Preston's match, then almost 3 mo until he was born. One day at a time.
Love this story and glad you blogged it so you won't forget it!
keep your eyes on Him and keep seeking His kingdom.
T <><
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