Saturday, August 20, 2011


Marlee Joy is still doing great! Grammy is here this weekend visiting and Marlee loves it!! She smiled several times yesterday when we or the nurses would talk to her. She is just such a miracle! Grammy and I stayed up late last night making her headbands! Hopefully they will fit her sweet head! :)

Two huge blessing came through yesterday! First, we moved out of the hotel we were in and got accepted into the RMH early!! What a blessing! This place is AMAZING! Never again will I pass by those little containers at the cash registers in McDonalds and not drop money in them! They have such an awesome ministry!The second blessing, we got news from the Social Worker that the insurance approved Marlee to be transferred closer to home! This is huge!! That means we can sleep in our own beds and get Marlee's room ready while we're waiting for her to grow! :) Most of the nurses seemed to think this transfer won't happen for another couple of weeks. Marlee is doing great but she is only 28 weeks old now, and still so tiny.

Grammy is heading back today and taking Milo (our puppy) with her. Since the RMH doesn't accept pets, we couldn't keep her with us. Grammy is such a blessing to all of us..even little Milo!

Marlee had a good day yesterday. She had a few desatts but overall she was good. We got to do official kangaroo care and it was awesome! :) She is so sweet when she's all snuggled in on you! She looks like a little frog! :)

Some things I've noticed Marlee likes: having her hands and fingers by her face (she's trying to suck her thumb), stretching out (but sometimes being tucked in like a frog), and being held (she cries at times when we put her back).


amy D said...

Praise the Lord!! Oh my goodness, that is so exciting. Sweet, sweet Marlee, I love you!!!

Jenny said...

Of course she likes being held and all snuggled into you guys! :) Wonderful news on the approved transfer!