Tuesday morning started out just like all our other mornings. We all wake up, I get dressed and get Marlee dressed. Than I usually pick up toys or clothes off the floor upstairs before going downstairs. This particular morning we had TONS of stuff all over the place from our recent trip and from Christmas. I was busy running around putting things away and also texting and checking email. I sat down for a few minutes and finished sending a couple texts and Facebook messages. Before I knew it we had been upstairs for almost 2 hours. This is when it happened. Marlee came over to me and started saying "cuddle" "cuddle" "cuddle". This is her code word for
I want to jump on your bed! I told her just a minute for the next 30 minutes. Eventually she sat on the floor and just started sobbing. I realized than that from the time she woke up until right than I hadn't even hardly interacted with her. Sure we brushed our teeth together and picked up laundry, but I hadn't even taken the time to get down on her level and hug her.
I always thought as a stay at home mom that I would be able to accomplish so much. All you stay at home moms will laugh at this. I literally thought this is going to be my time when I'll finally feel complete. I'll have my hair done, clothes perfected, make up on, nails painted, legs shaved. It's funny because I haven't shaved my legs in about 2 months. No really. Ask my husband. :)
Today was my reminder that texts, Facebook, laundry, cleaning all of these things are second to time with my sweet girl. It breaks my heart to think of the day that she starts acting like me. Too busy to even stop and give her mama a hug. Maybe if I put in the time with her now, it will take her longer to get to that point.
This was last year. She seems so tiny!!
Such a good reminder; thank you!!!
Such a great point! I think of that too, because sometimes I'll be in the middle of a text or something, and tell Molly to wait. It's so hard because I do want her to learn patience and that she can't have everything she wants right this second, but it takes honest determination to get on their level and play/hug/love on them! :) Thanks for this reminder. :)
Oh, and lol at the shaved legs. Love it.
Time with our kids, on their level, is time well spent. When we are on their level we can teach them how to serve God.
My children are grown with children of their own and I am blessed with visits, phone calls, messages, face-time, pictures, Birthday parties, Christmas and Thanksgiving together.
The best blessing of all is knowing my kids (Shelly, Tim and Christy) love the Lord and they take the time to teach my grandkids, about God.
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