This weekend Eric and I went to the
Family Life Marriage Conference. It was amazing! I highly recommend it to engaged or married couples! I learned and laughed so much! On our drive home last night Eric and I were talking about what we learned. We realized that most of it we already knew, we just weren't putting it into practice.
Last night Eric and I were reading from our couples devotional book and it asked for the husband to rate himself on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the highest) in the three following categories, Leading, Loving, and Serving. This questioned was designed for Eric (the husband) to answer, however, I just couldn't keep quiet. I started thinking about these three areas and the ways that Eric leads, loves me, and serves me.. and WoW! I couldn't keep quiet! My husband is an amazing man! He's my best friend! I'm not trying to boast or brag and make myself look good! I'm just writing my thoughts! Let me just tell you the ways that I think Eric is so amazing!
Leading:I think one of the major features in a leader is their motivation and discipline. When I first met Eric, at college those were the two character traits that really stuck out about him. He was always so motivated to strengthen his relationship with God, that it was contagious. I noticed that after I started hanging out with him more, my relationship with God deepened. Eric was also so disciplined. Every morning he would (and still does) wake up and do his devotions. He goes into the spare bedroom and spends 45 minutes in their talking with God and learning. Ever since I have known Eric he has done this. That takes discipline!! How many times have I gone days even weeks.. without even opening my Bible (except for at church).
Loving:Eric has really shown me what it's like to love someone unconditionally. Growing up, I never really made the best choices when it came to guys! In fact, I have a lot of things that I really regret about my past decisions. The thing that really blows me away, is that with Eric knowing all that... he still chose and chooses me! Everyday, Eric expresses his love for me. It's in ways as simple as, kissing me before he leaves for work or writing me notes and leaving them on the counter or emailing me throughout the day telling me he's thinking about me or smiling at me when we're in a large group. He is always doing things that show me that he truly loves me and that I'm the girl on his mind!
Serving:I just discovered last night that I believe this is my love language. Luckily, Eric is really good in this area too!! He is always trying to find different ways to serve me. Whether it be dropping me off at the door when it's cold outside, letting me rest while he does the dishes, making me Ramon Noodles, getting me a refill, opening the door for me and there are so many other things that he does for me.
I am so grateful and thrilled that God has shared Eric with me. I am also so excited that I get to spend the rest of my life with this man! How lucky!!