This morning I was ticked because I woke up at about 5:30am to people chopping away at the ice that was on their windshields. I tried to fall back asleep but I kept thinking about Eric's alarm that was about to go off in 30 minutes! Finally once he got up, I just stayed up and did some reading! I'm in the process of reading about 5 different books right now. This weekend when Eric and I went to the marriage conference I wanted to buy all of the books! For some reason I have really gotten into reading lately! (I wish I would have gotten into reading during the 4 years I spent at college.. haha )Oh yeah Happy Valentines Day everyone! I think tonight Eric and I are celebrating by getting some take home Chinese food from our favorite place. Since we went to the marriage conference this weekend we are counting that as our Valentine gift for each other. We actually got to stay in a really nice hotel downtown Cincinnati! It was great.. it overlooked all of downtown! Our room was really awesome too.. it even had an iPod alarm clock/radio!
Well I should probably get off here and go chisel away at the ice on my car so I can pick up our dinner! I hope everyone has a great Vday!!
Peace Out!! (Rory said this last night on Gilmore Girls, and she is one of my role models!! Not really.. but I think she is cool!!!) <><ps. sorry this post may seem random! also the picture of the man scraping his car, i found on the Internet and have NO clue what he is talking about!
LOL reading in college is sooooo different from reading for fun or spiritual enrichment!
Are we still going to the used bookstore this weekend?
Chinese food.
oh Rory . . . !
Thanks for all the comments guys! I get so excited when you all leave me comments!! I love you all!!
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