You're Late Again, Lord!!
So I got this book called, "You're late again, Lord!!" and it has been really good and very insightful. For some reason I couldn't sleep, so I woke up really early and felt the need to start skimming through it. My skimming eventually turned into actually reading every sentence word-for-word and trying to understand and apply it's meanings.
One of the first quotes that stuck out to me was, "We live therefore we wait". There are so many times that I feel like I am the only one of earth waiting for something and I realized that EVERYONE waits.. or at least everyone who is living!
Another one of the quotes was, "Wait with a purposeful patience". This was probably my favorite quote I've read so far. This basically means that all the times that I have been sitting around inactively waiting on God, I have wasted my time. Waiting means you are being active. It doesn't mean to sit around and "wait" for something to happen. It means that you may be praying and waiting for an answer from God, but life is continuing with or without you. Don't let life pass you by, as you sitting waiting!
In November (or maybe it was December) I quit my job hoping to be a foster parent. Since than a lot has happened! I sit here today with no kids in my home and not knowing if there will ever be. That has been 3 months of waiting, and what do I have to
show for it. A LOT!! I decided after the first month that we had no kids, that I wasn't going to sit around and wait for the phone call. Instead, I have spent the time reading God's word, catching up with friends, scrapbooking, sewing, traveling, reading, praying, and starting a new hobby (playing my guitar). All those things were accomplished in my time of waiting. I may not know what God has planned for Eric and I right now, but I know that I'm not going to inactively wait. Instead I'm going to wait with a purposeful patience.I know I'm not the only one that feels like they are waiting on something. Just remember that God may be using this time to draw you closer to Him!Love you all! Thanks for all your support and prayers!! :)Shell
Jackie S. and I were just chatting online earlier about how we are "waiting" it's perfect you wrote about this...I always have to remind myself that God's timing is perfect!!!
Enjoy your book - I like hearing about good books!
thank you for the insight. i tried to look for that book tonight when i was at barnes & noble but didn't remember the title so i just bought it on for $4 (after shipping and tax, the book was only $ uh... i was going to ask you about the job since i have no clue. yep... patience...i'm working on that too. i have more to say but i think i should hold off. just know that you and i are struggling with the same issue.
Teresa it can be a touch and lonely road! Don't give up!!! God can do miracles and He is always faithful, no matter the outcome!! :) Hey did you find the journal that goes with the book?? I have that too and it's pretty cool... nothing real special or anything just has some quotes and is mostly so you can write down your thoughts! :)
oh ... i didn't know there was a journal. i think i'll look for it on half or in the bookstore. lol.
this is ironic.
i just blogged today about my waiting.
we're actively waiting together!!! :)
i'm thankful for our friendship!
Yes, agreed! It is nice to know that I'm not the only one waiting! :) Exactly what you said.. we can wait together. You should check out the book Alicia. It looks kind of cheesy on the cover, but it's filled with good stuff (don't judge a book, by it's cover). HEHE :)
Shelly, do you know that song by Greg Long called In the Waiting? I have it running through my head a lot lately. Here's a cut-and-paste of the words:
The gift nobody longs for, still it comes
And somehow leaves us stronger
When it's gone away
I try and pray for Your will to be done
But I confess it's never fast enough for me
It seems
the hardest part is waiting on You
When what I really want
Is just to see Your hand move
I want a peace beyond my understanding
I want to feel it fall like rain
In the middle of my hurting
I want to feel Your arms as they surround me
And let me know that it's okay
To be here in this place
Resting in the peace that only comes
In the waiting
Time to let it go and just believe
Trusting in what no one else but You can see
Freedom from the fears that close me in
When I can't get beyond where I have been
But then again
The silence doesn't mean that I'm alone
As long as I can hear
That I am still Your own
(Repeat chorus)
In the waiting...
hmm... seems like a lot of people are with you ;-)
Thanks Jenny for those Lyrics. I think I'm going to buy it on iTunes! The words are awesome! :)
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