I just realized that I haven't posted in a while (well since Easter). Eric and I had a great time visiting our families. We got to see our new niece, Claire! She is so adorable! I wish we lived closer so we could see her more often! I know next time we see her (in a couple of weeks) she'll look so different! Babies change so quickly!Not a lot has been going on around here. I can't believe that it's already Wednesday. This week has gone by fast! I am looking forward to this weekend. I/We are babysitting on Friday for our friends baby! He is so adorable! :) Than we are going to a fellowship night with our small group at our friends house. Than on Saturday we got invited to a potluck/game night! :) Not sure what all we are going to be able to do, but it should be a fun weekend. Eric and I are trying to not over- commit because that can be stressful! It's so hard though when there are so many fun things to do! :) We'll see!!Oh I almost forgot. Yesterday, Eric and I were going for a walk with Lucas and we started walking toward a goose lying in the middle of the road. Well, before I
could even say stop, Lucas was running at the goose (luckily he couldn't get far because of his leash) and the goose, instead of running away, started walking toward us! Now let me just remind you all, I HATE BIRDS!! It doesn't matter how big, or how small they are... I hate them! I think they are one of the scariest animals God has put on our planet! So, the bird started approaching us even faster until finally I hid behind Eric and I was SCREAMING! Finally Eric and I decided to run (literally) the opposite direction of the goose and we LUCKILY got away! HOW SCARY!! The whole way home I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of two grown adults and a dog running away from a goose!
Happy Hump Day (Wednesday) :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a bird phobia! Evil creatures they are!
LOL you're afraid of birds? I had no idea...
Have fun babysitting tomorrow...I'm very Jealous!
HAHA! Yes birds are a VERY VERY scary thing!!! Eric makes fun of me all the time! HAHA :) He loves them!
I hate birds too!!! They are way too scary, with the pointy beaks and twitchy eyes...especially the ones at the house we cleaned!!!
What the pete is "Happy Hump Day"....HAHAHAHAHA!!!
LOL I like it when you say "Happy Hump Day" because my friends and I called it that a lot in high school!
HAHA!!! Christy I didn't know what it was either until everyone called it that at Olivet. They call Wednesday Hump day because it's in the middle of the week... like the HUMP is in the middle!! HAHAHA :) Or at least that's what I think it means! HAHAH :)
I remember those scary birds at that house we cleaned!! YIKES!
Ok, I must weigh in. I don't like birds indoors. They make me sneeze.
I'm perfectly okay with birds outside, as long as I can view from a distance. I like to keep my bird feeders full to watch the wee wittle birdies come eat. Molly loves to watch them too... she's developed her own style of kitty chirping but it doesn't work, there's glass there silly!
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