Well we made it through speaking at Marysville Church of the Nazarene. Surprisingly, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would have been. I will admit though that when we first got up to speak I thought to myself... "Run... don't look at anyone just run". Thankfully, common sense has been instilled in me, so I decided to stay. It was really scary and exciting to be apart of that service. It was weird to here them say we have some missionaries here from our area and then say our names. Weird. This coming Sunday we are speaking at our home church. Hopefully it will be as good of an experience as Marysville was. Our friends from church said they were going to hold up signs for us and ask all kinds of silly questions. I will die if they do. HAHA
Aw, I just washed Lucas and he is just sitting here looking at me like "yeah i know I look good". hehe We went for a walk today and he took a little dip in the pond! He loves swimming!
There was so much fun stuff that went on last week and this week that I want to share it with you all. First on Thursday I got to go and work for a little while at Eric's parents house. I started working on laying the carpet in the bathroom downstairs and I started painting the cabinet and the mirror. It's fun! On Friday night we had some out of town visitors come and stay with us. Adam, Abbey, Jon and Annie all went on vacation together so they wanted to know if they could spend the night on Friday and then head off for vacay the next day. So of course we said yes. Plus, on top of that Laura Lynn came over from Cinncy. We seriously had such a good time with everyone. We ended up staying up till about 4am (at least Abbey and I did). That's what happens when you put 4 girls in one room... they talk. :) It was so nice to hang out with all of them.
Saturday Eric and I scheduled a work day at Eric's parents house. We got there at about 1:30 and stayed till around 8:30pm. It was such a long day.. but a good one. We worked and worked and worked some more. I did a power-washer while Eric did all kinds of hard stuff. Needless to say we ended up going to bed at 9:30 that night. It was nice. I don't think I've gone to bed that early since middle school when that was my bedtime. HA! :) Sunday was just as much of a crazy fun day. My friend Mindy (Spencer) Jones came to church with us Sunday morning and we had a good time. After church we decided to make a trip to Dublin to run some errands and then stop by the thrift stores. I actually found a few shirts there that I am really excited about. They were like $2 each! SWEET! I love thrift shopping. Luckily, we ended up making it to church right in time. After church we went out to eat with a bunch of friends from church and had a really funny time at DQ! LuAnn about got us into a fight with some Browns fans. HAHA (She was wearing a Steelers jersey and these people were seriously glaring at us out the window!)
Monday, Eric and I continued the daunting task of packing and cleaning our our garage.. we are no where close to being done. :( We had a good time just being together and looking through yearbooks and old things we hadn't seen in a while. Tuesday we had a Deputation Service at the church for the Sidle family. They are missionaries in Zambia. They did an awesome job. After church Nick and Mindy came over and we had a really good time laughing and telling stories. I won't say what the subject of our stories was about. HAHA! Some things must be kept in the Slonecker house! HAHA That brings us up to today. As I mentioned above I just got back from walking Lucas and now I'm just getting ready for tonight. Eric and I were invited to a cookout with our Bible study class. We are really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, with us keeping so busy we haven't been able to meet as many people at our church as we would like to. Everyone that we have met at church has been so friendly and been such an encouragement to us. :)
Well I should get off here and finish getting ready. Have a super Wednesday. Enjoy some fun pictures from our crazy weekend and week. :)
YAY... I like updates. Uh...who's the guy with the bibles? He wasn't in the facebook pics so I was wondering.
My ticker says 62 days left. HAHA!
HAHA!! His name is Nick! He's a cool dude!! We were taking some facebook pics for him! HAHA He's an evangelist and really likes Bibles.. oh and my Women of the Bible book. HAHA :) YIKES... 62 days!
that was the longest post ever! Yea for long posts that give me something to do while I'm stuck at home sick in bed :(
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