We finally found carpet that we like for our house and the installation guy is coming out tomorrow to get estimates and measurements. Seriously, I can't tell you how happy this makes me because I never knew how stressful picking out carpet could be. With this whole "home buying" thing I have been telling myself daily to kick back and relax and enjoy the decisions that have to be made.
This past weekend Eric and I went camping at Stone Mountain State Park. We had a great time and lots of laughs. The first night that we were there our stupid air matress finally died after three good years of life. Unfortunately, it was at 3am when we finally decided to pull the plug and sleep on the ground (gravel). This wasn't so bad that night, however the next morning we both woke up with our hip bones and ribs bruised from being crushed up against rock for 8 hours.
On Saturday we decided to go on a hike and for some reason picked the longest and the most strenous hike that the park offered. Let me tell you from experience.. if the map says it streneous... it is speaking the truth!! We literally climbed up to the top of the mountain (which I believe was about 2,305 feet. This is a picture of us at the top of the mountain:
Since we had so much fun the first day of hiking we decided to climb the mountain again the second day.. except this time we went the opposite way. Well about 1 mile into the hike Eric and I decided to reenergize with an apple and a granola bar. DO NOT EAT FRUIT AROUND BUGS!! So as we were walking I felt something land on my finger.. then all of the sudden I felt a pain that I have never experienced in my life!! My finger was throbbing and burning all at the same time. I immediately pulled my finger up to look at it.. and sitting right above my knuckle was a hornet. I freaked out, started screaming and flicked it off my finger. It didn't like that.. before I knew it, it had jumped on my back and Eric saw it and gave it a good flick. This stupid hornet continued chasing us for a few more feet and then finally went away. At this point I was hysterical. I felt like my finger had been smashed beneath a tire and then injected with some type of fluid that was slowly eating away at my skin. I believe my words to Eric a few hours later were "I would rather have surgery then be stung by another hornet".
So at this point we continued on the hike and finally made it to the bathroom where I stuck my now swollen finger and hand under the faucet hoping to get a little relief from the pain. This helped.. but not much. The constant pain continued for about 6 hours and then finally we made it back home and I was able to take pain medication and Benodryl. As I sit here and write this, which is 2 days and a few hours after the incident my hand is still swollen but instead of having the constant pain I have a constant itchiness!! It stinks!! So stay away from hornets... they are trouble!!! Also, unless your throat starts to close, don't bother going to the ER because all they will tell you is to take some Benodryl and Tylenol... trust me this is what they told me at 4am when we went in. Here's a picture of my hand (notice I had to take my wedding ring off because my hand was so swollen):
Oh I also forgot to mention that little Milo made both hikes with us up and down the mountain. She really enjoyed seeing all the dogs and getting all the attention. Here is a picture of her at the top of the mountain:
I'm still waiting on the job at the United Methodist Children's Home. I'm trusting that God knows what's best and He will put me where I am supposed to be. Please pray with me that I will have the patience and the understanding to trust God during this time.
UPDATE: I found out tonight that biting a metal fork is never a good idea.. also not a good idea is eating chicken nuggets with a fork. I chipped my tooth! UGHH... this week is turning out to be a BAD WEEK!