For those of you who have Facebook I'm sure you read what Eric posted about the bug that I found in our bedroom the other morning. TERRIFYING!! Pretty much since we have moved here, to North Carolina, I have found it more difficult to get good sleep. Bugs and Milo are the top 2 causes of my lack of sleep. Heres why:
Bugs - ever since Eric bolted out of bed a month ago and said that he got bit by a long centipede looking bug (which he didn't find!!) I have not been able to really sleep! All I can do is lay there and think about all of the bugs that are smiling because they can now have some fresh blood to eat. So usually what happens is I lay there for about 30 minutes with my eyes WIDE open and then I decide that I better get the flash light out for one last check around the room, just in case there are any bugs hiding in the corners. Which, PTL (haha) I did this the other night because I found a GIANT Silverfish... AKA carpet shark waving his tentacles at me and waiting for me to turn my flashlight off so he could come down and start munching on me! Thanks to my sister I found out that they only eat paper, glue, dandruff, hair and a few other things which don't include human flesh. :)

Milo: The second reason I don't get good sleep. Usually what happens is I put her in her cage and Eric and I read for a little while and the turn the lights off and somewhere between the time that we turn the lights off and the time that the lights come on because it's morning, sweet Milo is snoring away right beside me. I think what happens is, while I'm looking for bugs with my flashlight and scanning across the room making sure I've checked every square foot I scan my light over to Milo's cage and see her either shivering or scrunched up in such a tight ball that she looks about the size of an over stuffed hacky-sac. I can't stand seeing her like this so I sneak out of bed and stuff her under the covers. :) Like I said though, this is all hypothetical, because I'm still not convinced that Eric doesn't do the same thing, every night!
So between the bugs and the snoring Milo, who starts out at the bottom of the bed and slowly creeps her way up to my pillow, I have a really hard time sleeping. Maybe I am in need of some change...
So do I give up Milo or the bug searching?? :)
Funny story: A few months ago I got a tattoo on my foot that says Forgiven. Well, unfortunately the "n" sort of looks like an "r" and therefore MANY people have said, "Oh cool your tattoo says forgiver"! Well, a couple weeks ago while Eric and I were traveling we stopped at McDonalds f

You know what's funny? I also thought it said Forgiver. :o) I did like the story though.
BTW, when you finally do buy the house, first order of business (seriously) call Terminix and sign up for the yearly spraying! It's like $100 but well worth it. It got rid of all our bugs and spiders when we had it done. It was like clockwork too that once that year mark hit, so did the spiders. We had some citranella ants (however you spell it) coming up from the basement and they seriously smelled like the candle (b/c that's where they get the extract). So yeah... we called the guys and it totally worked for everything!!
Are you sure Eric jumping out of bed saying something bit him wasn't one of his sleep walking/talking episodes???
Yep, we are on a vacation up here in Michigan. Taking the girls to Lake Michigan for a swim today.
T <><
you can be darn sure it is not me that gets milo in the middle of the night!
also, to address any questions about the bug that bit me...
shelly never saw it because i brushed it off the bed before she woke up. i knew she would never sleep again if she knew a bug was in bed and actually bit me...
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