I didn't explain in my last entry from yesterday that I am doing a 40 day spiritual detox. I am reading a book entitled,
Detox your spiritual life in 40 days by Peter Greystone.
Detox Day 2: Bring to mind things that have been nagging you about your physical health, and set a target of doing something about them by the end of the forty day detox. Make an appointment to see a doctor if necessary. Organize some exercise and stretching. Relax and breathe deeply. Book a neck and shoulder massage at a reputable health center. If you drink caffeine or alcohol, substitute some or all of it with water. Get some fresh air, particularly if work or parenting require you to be in an office or at home for long periods.

Interesting that this chapter points out caffeine because I am sitting here having racing thoughts because of the 6 cups of coffee that I have just consumed. Seriously, I can't even type one word because my fingers want to type about 100!!!! I guess my New Years resolution of starting to drink coffee and continuing drinking pop wasn't a good one...?? :) I feel about how this guy looks. ---->
One thing mentioned in the book was several different ways that you could tell if you were in need o

f a physical detox and the author said, "minor irritable instances may simply be symptoms of treating your body like prison, not a temple. WHOA! When I read this I instantly thought of someone who is in a dark cell who trembles every-time he hears someone coming close because his form of torture is to be stuffed with food so much that his belly aches, he can't breathe, and he feels just miserable and there is nothing he can do about it because his master keeps filling him up with all this crap. He tries to tell his master to stop by complaining about these terrible feelings but his master doesn't listen and instead continues to fill him up so full that he has no energy to leave his cell and instead just lays there moaning and groaning with pain. I know, I know I'm such a dramatic person... but this is what I picture my stomach saying.
So food for thought.. don't allow your desires to imprison you and weigh you down.. :)
A little humor for today: So the maintenance man came in to fix some things in our apartment and we started the classic small talk about how's the weather, how women are terrible at fixing things (although he made sure that I knew he was NOT a sexist..
haha). Then, he said it.... so you're about as old as my daughter.. I paused and waited for him to say something about his super cute, fun, loving daughter... no.. instead he said yeah she is bogged down with several kids now and next week she'll be 33!!!! WHAT!!! No maintenance man I am not 33... try 26!! :):)
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