The first negative habit that comes to mind is eating when I'm bored. I hate that I do this. Why can't I be like the people who run 10 miles when they're bored! I actually at one time printed out a picture of an extremely obese person that I found online and put it on my refrigerator so that every time I went to the fridge I would see that picture and then just maybe I would think before I just grabbed something out to eat or drink.
The second negative habit that I've noticed is that I don't necessarily eat bad.. I drink bad! I am totally addicted to pop (just ask Laura or Christy and they will totally agree). I have tried giving up pop about 786 times.. and failed every time! I finally got so tired of failing all of my New Years resolutions that this past year my resolution was to continue drinking pop, but MAYBE drink a little less. :) Haven't failed that yet! I remember when I went to Weight Watchers (for one day..hehe) they told us not to let our calories be in our drinks because our body needs to actually chew something in order to feel full (not sure that I totally agree with this). I know that when I drink less pop I feel 100 times better, but yet I keep returning to that chocolate colored, bubbling, mouth-watering, coke! Lord help me.. seriously!

Update: I had my second interview today and all seemed to go well. The only thing.. now they are doing third interviews. Hopefully I'll get a call! This job sounds too good to be true.. they actually come in and set up an office in your home. They provide: Computer, Cell phone, Printer, Copier, Fax, Tack Boards, Desk Chair, Desk Mat... and much more. :):) Also we had out termite inspection on our house today and we officially have no termites roaming around in the inside or outside of the house. Tomorrow is the regular inspection, please pray that things go well.