Monday, December 23, 2013

My heart is full

I am so blessed. 

My family just spent 4 days at Grammie's house and we all left feeling so full. According to my brother-n-law we had full bellies and full vehicles (Christmas gifts). I also felt full because it was just the time I personally needed to escape the normal everyday routine and be surrounded with down-to-earth, Jesus lovers. :)

So what did we do? We stayed up late, played Taboo and Draw Something, drank lots of coffee and tea, ate such GOOD food, laughed, got frustrated because sometimes being a mom of a 2 year old is tough, ran, watched youtube videos, listened to the boys home made beat box videos, jumped in the bouncy house in the BACK YARD (Seriously, what an amazing Grammie), smiled until my face hurt, watched the boys home made videos, listened to Christmas Carolers who showed up at the door, shopped, drank more coffee and tea and talked until my throat felt dry.

My heart was so full when we left. I think I smiled the whole way home. :) 


Mom said...

You did not have a good Christmas, you just experienced a "God" Christmas. Wow....I just made that up!

So glad you had a great time with family!

Love ya, MOM

amy D said...

Ahh, I loved every single bit of this! It was exactly what my soul needed too, Shelly! Love you and seriously cannot wait to do this again! :) :)

amy D said...

Also love your new blog and your pic!!! So pretty!!

Annie Croft said...

I am going through all of your posts right now. I didn't know you were blogging as of recently! I love you and you are inspiring! Also, you ARE an athlete! I have run with you in the past…and... Half marathon?! You go girl!