Tonight Eric had the idea of taking the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. I instantly thought, NO WAY!! 3 kids and 2 adults!! NO WAY!! However, I looked over at Zoe and thought about how excited he would be going there so I caved in. Well we set out on our journey and arrived at an old abandoned Chuck E. Cheese. Finally Eric went inside a store and found out that Chuck E. Cheese had moved. So Eric came back to the car and said, "Guys, guess what Chuck E. Cheese moved!! They were all really excited and wanted to know if he moved to a bigger house, where his house was. Kids are so funny the way they think.
We had such a GREAT time! The kids were really good. They loved climbing around in the tubes.. even little Zoe! He was so brave! The boys were so cute how they all played together and helped one another. For example, Zoe was too little to climb up the stairs to the tubes and Eric and I were too big to climb up there. So I look over, and Tony is kneeling down letting his little brother use him as a stepping stool to get up the stairs. Now what brothers (2 and 4yrs) would help one another out like that. It was adorable! Oh also, I will say that Zoe was a little scared of the Chuck E. Cheese band (although I have to admit, so was I).
We had a great day with the boys! We are sad that they will be going home tomorrow! :(
Hi!!! I just had so muc fun reading your blog! I'm so glad those 3 boys had you and E in their lives for even a few days. It was great to talk to you tonight too!
Thank you!!:) We had so much fun with them! :)
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