Well to give everyone a little update. We have been in contact with Poland (yes, as in the country) regarding mission work. Eric and I have prayed a LOT about it and are

Just a few days ago we found out that they (missionaries in Poland) are wanting us to come as early as November! YIKES! We are waiting now to hear back from Kansas City (missions headquarters) as to whether that will work out or not. So if you remember, please say a special prayer for Eric and I as we are trying to decide the best location that God wants us to be at! :)

On a totally different note. Last night and today I have been thinking a lot about how far God has brought me over the past year. All you faithful blog readers remember all the struggles that I have had with agreeing to mission work, to wanting to have a baby, to just being content with who I am. God has really been working on me. Right now my biggest passion is wanting to do missions! I am just so excited about it that I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. While I do still want kids, I am really content being single. It wasn't until I talked with my friend Jenny and realized that it's okay to not have kids right now. Eric and I are still young and there are a lot of things that we want to do and enjoy doing kid-free. So needless to say, that is the biggest thing that God has helped me with. I can honestly say that I'm content (at least for a day or so.. hehe). :)
Well I need to get off here. I'm going to meet Alicia at Easton to get coffee and walk around. Everyone have a great weekend! Eric's birthday is Sunday so that will be exciting! :)
Tell Eric happy Bday for me. I wish I could get coffee and walk around all day. We'll be praying about your call to missions and possibly going to Poland. I'll pray Psalm 61 for you today. Adios!
T <><
Thanks Tim! :) What a good big bubby you are! :) What are you up to this weekend?
We're going to lunch with Silus and Shelby Norris tomorrow. Smokey Bones BBQ...yummy!
T <><
Enjoy your jazz fest!
*Did Eric ever get my email about putting another youtube video on DVD for me?
Wow Poland sounds cool! That's exciting that things are moving forward!
I'm not sure if he did or not. I will ask him and tell him to shoot you an email! :)
Denise- yes I am so excited! Sorry I missed your call, Eric and I were watching a movie. I highly recommend DeJaVue... minus the 15 second clip of the girl in the shower! (I WAS TICKED!!!) Maybe we can talk tomorrow??
We are praying for God direction in your lives! Love ya!
oh yeah...Happy Birthday to Eric! (even though he doesn't really know me)...hehe
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