Actually, on a funny note... today Eric and I went to a Sunday School class pool party. Let me just tell you at the party Eric got a little wet! HAHA The guys plotted against him and threw him in the pool with all his clothes on! I managed to get his wallet and Dennis grabbed his glasses! It was really funny! One of the ladies remembered to bring a camera, so I will be posting pictures as soon as I get some! :)
Random quote: This is my new favorite quote regarding uni-brows... "so you know your eyebrows got married, right?". From the show The Parkers.

Hilarious. Just hilarious....
You are quite the schemer.
Thanks for a great birthday :)
Love you
I'm glad you liked it! :)
haha! I'm VERY ANXIOUSLY awaiting pictures of E's lil B-day present fro his Sunday School class :)
Well I am glad that E had a wonderful birthday! Sounds fun! Well have a good weekend..since it IS Thursday...I have been housecleaning ALL day..ALL week!!! Love ya sis!
when are you ever going to update again?
sorry i will update soon! I have lots to share, just waiting for the time to write it all down!! HEHE!
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