So So sorry to see the Buckeyes play the way they did last night. Now, I'm not a hard core fan or even really a fan.. but because Eric is I try to be. It was sad though. Actually, we went to a funeral home downtown and watched the game with friends! It was a good time, except the atmosphere totally changed from the first half to the second half. Not going to lie, it was kind of weird being in a funeral home and hearing people yell and watching them jump up and down when a good play was made. I felt more comfortable the second half when people were sitting around isolating themselves from others in fear of the language that may come out of their mouths! HAH :) My friend Jen and I sat in the back on the couch and watched people as their demeanor totally changed! It was interesting!

For real though, thank you to my friend Jen who invited us! We had a great time!
Yeah, that was a pretty bad game...
How appropriate though, that it was at a funeral home.
Oh well, there is always next year. . .
Exactly! I like your attitude! :)
hahahhaah, I thought of E when I heard about the game...The youth pastor and pastor at the church I've been going to are HUGE OHio State fans...they were in deep depression....
Yeah it was a very bad day to live in the state of Ohio. Everyone seemed a little depressed.
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